Multi-asset funds can offer an off-the-shelf solution for investors looking for diversification in one investment. These funds typically hold a blend of different investments as individual asset classes, such as bonds and company shares, can perform differently over time as market conditions change. Investing across a blend of different assets can be less volatile than investing in a single asset class, and can help to insulate you from the ups and downs experienced by individual assets.
We believe stockmarkets are often affected by people's emotions – for instance, investors reacting to news that really has no long-term bearing on their investments. Our expert multi-asset managers regard these instances as 'Episodes', and they look to take advantage of these by making calm and considered investment decisions, which we believe could produce better returns for you and your money. They're also very careful to control investment risk by making sure there's genuine diversification across each portfolio.
Each fund manager is responsible for the decisions relating to their investments, but they work as a team, constantly sharing ideas and information for the benefit of our investors. This is a tried-and-tested approach to investing which has proven successful throughout a series of crises in the world's financial markets. So we believe it's robust and has the potential to deliver attractive returns, in a variety of market conditions.
When you're deciding how to invest, please remember that the value of your investments can go down as well as up, so you might not get back the amount you put in.
Like any investment, you should carefully consider if investing in multi-asset funds fits with your personal aims and objectives before investing. Importantly, you should also check that the profiles of the funds match your own investment timeframe and appetite for risk and reward. You can find out more about the risks you need to consider before investing in our KIIDs.
Our multi-asset funds are what we class as ‘stand-alone’ funds – funds that you can hold individually, and not necessarily as part of a wider investment portfolio. Multi-asset funds spread your money across different asset types so you don't have ‘all your eggs in one basket’, offering an off-the-shelf solution if you’re looking for diversification in one investment.
Unfortunately we’re not able to give any financial advice. If you’re at all unsure about the suitability of your investment, please speak to a financial adviser.
Find out more about diversification in our handy M&G Guide.
To see our full range of multi-asset funds, click here and select Multi Asset in the Asset class filter.