CTF to Junior ISA transfers
CTF to ISA transfers
Transferring your Child Trust Fund to a Junior ISA
For more information on the financial terms used in this page, please consult the glossary.
If you want to transfer your Child Trust Fund (CTF) to a Junior ISA on myM&G, you must first register with myM&G. You should then print off and complete the Child Trust Fund to Junior ISA transfer form and send it to us at myM&G, 1 Tanfield, Edinburgh EH3 5DA.
The Child Trust Fund to Junior ISA Transfer form is set out in two sections; the Child Trust Fund Transfer Authority and the Junior ISA Application.
Child Trust Fund Transfer Authority
- The Child Trust Fund Transfer Authority section of the form will allow us to ask your current CTF manager to sell your existing investments in the CTF and send the proceeds to us.
- We will send this section of the form to your CTF manager.
Junior ISA Application
- The Junior ISA Application section of the form will provide us with the information we need to open the Junior ISA on myM&G. To do this we need your details, as Registered Contact, and the child’s details, as the Junior ISA account holder.
- This section of the form allows you to select the M&G funds that you would like to invest the CTF proceeds into.
- If you are not yet ready to choose your M&G funds, you can ask us to place the CTF proceeds into the Junior ISA Cash Park. You can then use the money in the Cash Park to select the funds of your choice on the myM&G website. Please note, no interest is payable on cash held in the Cash Park.
What happens next?
- We will send you a secure message as soon as we have received your Child Trust Fund to Junior ISA Transfer form and have started the transfer.
- We will also send you a secure message when we have received the CTF proceeds from your current CTF manager and have put them into your chosen funds in the Junior ISA or into the Junior ISA Cash Park.
Transferring your matured Child Trust Fund to an ISA
If you are 18 years old or over and want to transfer your matured Child Trust Fund (CTF) to an ISA with myM&G, you must first register with myM&G. You should then print off and complete the Matured Child Trust Fund to ISA transfer form and send it to us at myM&G, 1 Tanfield, Edinburgh EH3 5DA.
The Matured Child Trust Fund to ISA form is set out in two sections; the ISA Application and the Matured Child Trust Fund Transfer Authority. Whilst your investment is being transferred it will be out of the market for a short period of time and will not lose or gain in value.
ISA Application
- The ISA Application section of the form will provide us with the information we need to open the ISA on myM&G. To do this we need your details.
- This section of the form allows you to select the M&G funds that you would like to invest your CTF proceeds into.
- If you are not yet ready to choose your M&G funds, you can ask us to place your CTF proceeds into the ISA Cash Park. You can then use the money in the Cash Park to select the funds of your choice on the myM&G website. Please note, no interest is payable on cash held in the Cash Park.
Child Trust Fund Transfer Authority
- The Matured Child Trust Fund Transfer Authority section of the form will allow us to ask your current CTF manager to sell your existing investments in the matured CTF and send the proceeds to us.
- We will send this section of the form to your CTF manager.
What happens next?
- We will send you a secure message as soon as we have received your Matured Child Trust Fund to ISA Transfer form and have started the transfer.
- We will also send you a secure message when we have received the CTF proceeds from your current CTF manager and have put them into your chosen funds in the ISA or into the ISA Cash Park.
The value of investments will fluctuate, which will cause prices to fall as well as
rise and you may not get back the original amount you invested. We are unable to give financial advice. If you are unsure about the suitability of your investment, speak to your financial adviser. Please note, your current provider may apply a charge when you transfer your investment. Whilst your investment is being transferred it will be out of the market for a short period of time and will not lose or gain in value.
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